And finally, most go off to their new homes...

BJ (shown on the upper left above playing with Angel's puppies in the center and his sister Joy on the right) is patiently waiting for his new family to find him.  The couple who were going to take him decided at the last minute that adding training and caring for  a second TT to their retirement years was not a project they would be up to.

BJ (shown on the right with Minnie on the left)  has turned into a very sweet, gentle and mild-mannered soul who tries ever so hard to please and to do things right the first time.  I call him my little Buddhist boy.  He has a medium energy level - loves to race around the perimeter of the yard a few times when he first goes out and then, after checking out what new leaves or sticks or toys might have appeared since he was last there, will usually either come back inside for a nap or lay in the sun chewing on a good toy for awhile.  He cordially greets visitors and then lays down quietly or goes off to play and entertain himself unless invited to play or sit on a lap.

Duke with his new big brother, Willie Weiller.

Copycat Duke...
Socks left for his new home the same day as Duke did.  Imagine his surprise when he went walking in his new neighborhood and found Duke living down the street from him. Though I have no pictures of Socks (now called Zack)  in his new home, at last report he was doing well. He still sees his brother from time to time - not only are they neighbors but both are attending the same  puppy kindergarten class.

Curious George was dubbed "Felix" by his new grandfather when he arrived in Freeville (near Ithaca), NY, and the name has stuck.  Felix is still curious as a cat and energetic and already loves playing on the agility equipment in his yard.  He also barks and cheers on his big brother, Boo, when Boo is being trained or shown and seemingly can't wait to be in the ring himself.  In keeping with the "cat" theme as well as Tibet, he has been registered as Kathmandu's Snow Lion.

Felix attended the TTCA Specialty in Sturbridge where on Sept. 22nd he observed the agility competition - hopefully picking up only the positive aspects of the sport he will be participating in and not learning any entertaining moves!

On Nov. 13 Felix went to his first conformation shows and to the delight of Sarah and Joe (his people) as well as me, he went Winner's Dog all three days he was shown - and went Best of Winners two of those days.  This gave him his first points towards his championship.  

Smudge is now known as Oliver.  He says a fella can NEVER have too many toys... Not only does he have dog toys but he likes to pinch things out of people's pockets and then hide them in his crate - perhaps naming him after Oliver Twist was not such a wise idea!

Oliver's family entered him a a photo contest at PetSmart and as part of his winnings as a semi-finalist, he won a session with a professional photographer who took this portrait.

Oliver lives in nearby Monroeville and went through the same puppy kindergarten class as his sister Joy.  At break time, they liked to go outside and romp in the grass with eachother. That's Joy on the left and Oliver on the right.
Gremlin is now known as Joy (Kathmandu's Jump for Joy) and is a little wild Indian.  Here she was "stalking" a grasshopper while her 15 year old great-uncle watched.  She will be going to Sacramento from the TT Specialty in Sturbridge in September where a career in agility awaits her.  For now, she is enrolled in "Basic Training" (puppy kindergarten class) with me - in the same class with her brother - in hopes that she will have a few manners when she leaves home... An imp at home, she has responded very well to the classes and particularly loves the mini-agility obstacles.
Joy says, "What do you mean I'm only four months old and shouldn't be jumping on things three times as tall as me?  After all, my name IS 'Kathmandu's Jump for Joy'..."  A few days after I took this very candid shot, I found her in my bedroom - on TOP of the bureau where she was happily poking through my jewelry box and picking up the most glittery objects and dropping them on the floor. 
Joy, shown here after trying out the travel bag which she rode in on the plane to California, continued her airborne ways. (Don't worry - the bage was bigger than it looks here since she was jumping towards the camera when I took the picture - she could stand up in it.)  On the first day in California when her new "Mom" returned home from work,  Joy greeted her at the front door along with the two older TTs having jumped OUT of her exercise pen.... 

Minnie continues to consider herself a SPECIAL puppy - not a "special needs" one.  In late July she was 4 lbs. and almost 9" tall - smaller than the puppies who were born in May.  However, in her eyes, she remains 6 feet tall and THE BOSS.  Full of non-stop energy, she is also totally fearless when it comes to new things, new people or big dogs.
Minnie & rope
August brought a growth spurt sending Minnie up to 10 lbs and a bit over 11 inches.  She now looks like a "regular" (but still undersized) TT and certainly has the vitality of her wildest littermates.  She went along to the TTCA Specialty for the geneticist interested in dwarfism to see.  While we still can't figure out exactly what went on in her first months, she certainly enjoyed the trip and made lots of friends.  Within minutes of my arrival at Sturbridge someone called out to ask if she was "Minnie from the Internet" and she jumped up and down to say "YES!"

Minnie has plenty of energy to race

and she has the correct TT proportions.
Click on the link to go back and  see the parents and the puppies from birth  and then follow the links at the bottom of each page for subsequent stages.