PUPDATES - AUGUST 17 & OCT. 3, 2003

Guess I need to go visit him and take the camera!

 Flash was the first to pack his bags and leave home.  He is now living in nearby Greensburg with his father (and 4 Tibetan ladies and a Standard Poodle).  He has already learned to "shake hands" and is well on the road to being housebroken.  He keeps busy playing (Diana says she's glad he still takes puppy naps off and on during the day!) and will be starting puppy kindergarten in a few more weeks learning the foundation skills he will need for his multi-part career as a conformation and performance (obedience and agility) dog.

Photos will be coming but things in her household have been hectic since her arrival.

 Ellie was the second one to put her knapsack over her back and start her adventures in life.  She has gone to the Allentown, PA area where her first "job" will be to assist her new owner in her cardiac rehab program following surgery.  Once Ellie has Joan physically fit, look for them in a show ring nearby - starting in conformation and then perhaps venturing into performance.

 Lexie has a potential career as perhaps a class clown or a juvenile delinquent...  She always has that glint in her eye that tells you she is going to be up to something.  This morning she discovered someone must have had a leaf in his/her beard when drinking from the community water bowl.  She sat and watched it floating around for a bit and then took her paw and kept trying to scoop the leaf out.  Last week she managed to sneak out in the back yard with the adults when they had their final trip out for the night.  There is a floodlight in my back yard and she happened to get in the beam so that it cast a shadow in front of her.  She'd bounce along and of course the shadow would move; she'd crouch down like a stalking cat until the movement stopped and then she'd pounce.  Of course then the shadow moved and she'd go back to "stalking."  She kept this up for about 15 minutes... She's a very active girl - the first one outside in the morning to do "zoomies" around the yard and chase all the others and then usually has to be "caught" or at least bribed to come in after all the others have come in.

After Labor Day, Lexi packed her Sherpa Bag with treats and toys - as well as her self - and took off to become a Southern Bell with her new owner to live in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Dana is the complete opposite of Lexie.  She's a regal little princess who expects the world to come to her.  As she becomes better acquainted with the world and sees more things, she is gaining confidence.  Her favorite place, though, is sitting in a lap and observing the world.  She reminds me of a bunny - she'll sit very still and sniff the air and all you see is her nose wiggling just like a bunny's does.  She doesn't dislike people - if you pick her up, she cuddles right in. But she will most likely always prefer to have a small, select group of friends and not be a "party girl." 

The first week in November Dana moved to Palm Beach.  She has been renamed "Dharma" and I am told Bob and Jane won't let her become tooooo spoiled.

Belle and Dana playing tag

Dana and Sadie 

Sadie, Dana and their 11 year old grandmother racing

Sadie has decided she is my shadow and will be a show puppy until/unless someone persuades me (and her) they can offer her a better deal than I can.